Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What's Your Creative Outlet?

Food inspires me!

Several nights a week, I find myself sifting through my fridge and pantry looking for something that can spark my imagination. I love discovering and creating new recipes letting them unfold during the process, where I can conger up some kind of dish that is full of flavor, texture, shape and color. One that can be constructed through experimentation.

When I explore with food, I don’t always follow a recipe- and that’s when the outcome or end result is like a surprise- I don’t want to always see it “done” . Comparing this to designing living and working environments, my intent is different. I visualize the space as “done”. Like Wayne Ruga says, “ask the space what it wants to be.” Then be open to the answers!

I believe that in the allowing of oneself to create with other forms of art, such as food, in unchartered ways without set boundaries, expands the creative process in all areas. (And in the allowing to falter every now and then also provides an opportunity for forgiveness!) 

I think success and purposeful living comes when one can’t see the line between working and playing!

Taking this another step further, what about “sharing food” and the exploration of cooking together with others who enjoy the process- say, a Supper Club with wine paring? It doesn’t have to be elaborate or themed out- just good friends, food, and good times. I personally haven’t participated in one yet but maybe this might be something I will try!

In the meantime, celebrate life, and embrace that which nurtures your creativity!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Wish...

What’s your Valentines wish for yourself?

Mine … “To love myself Enough to”…( Be all that I desire and Do all that I choose.)
 So here, today, I am writing myself a Valentine note.  Not something that I can say I have ever done before, because on this day, I usually send love notes and special wishes to others.  Maybe you too will consider and ask how do you love yourself, care for yourself, and honor yourself?  Can you get that personal, affectionate, and intimate with yourself?  What comes up for you?  For some, you might feel unworthy, uncomfortable or restless?   Maybe your mind is blank or your stumped and nothing comes to mind when you ask, that question:  “I love myself enough to….” On the other hand some of you may have a great long list already!
I am being bold here and authentic to share my little “love blog” without knowing what others will think when I post this… yep, its kind of scary for me, as this is my Valentine to myself and I want to share with my fellow bloggers in hopes that it might encourage you to find some divine self-connection and Love for yourself, by allowing yourself to open up to your own soul and heart (Doesn’t mean you have to post it back if you don’t want to share- that’s not my intent, although, if you so care to be bold and share your personal self-love note, by all means go ahead. You can even post a simple one line statement if you desire so that we can all “share the love” with you!)

So, here is mine wish:

“I love myself enough”… - to accept that I am worthy of all my dreams, and desires that I long for.  They have been patiently waiting for my arrival.  The time has come. To accept that I am enough, always, and that it’s ok that I can’t please everyone.  To allow myself to fail and to accept and see the gift in these situations to learn from as part of my journey.  I love myself enough to know, approve of, and accept my God given gifts– and especially those abilities that may not be readily obvious to others for lack of my willingness to share them or due to insecurities of how I would appear to others.  To accept and step into my own unique power in manifesting all that I choose.  I love myself enough to experience and be an integral part of the most loving, supportive, exciting, connected partnership with the man of my dreams- because it is a reality.  I love myself enough to release all the past undesirable and hurtful situations in my past that have held me victimized, for I know that they are just circumstances and not of my highest self.  To let go of the word “try” because trying is just commitment half way. I am putting out the absolute best of myself and ok with that being enough.  To notice and choose differently when my “ya - but habit” shows up.  I love myself enough to laugh at my mistakes, to cry when I need to release, and be honest and authentic with myself and others during those times.  To be ok with not checking everything off my daily to do list, believing that if I don’t I am not enough.  I love myself enough to hold that knowingness, that really, there is always enough time for everything, and there is no lack – to receive that never-ending abundance of all things.  I love myself enough to accept change - even big change and step forward even in fear.

I love myself (and you) enough to share these words, in all their glory, in hopes that they will enlighten your own greatness and love for yourself.  It’s exhilarating and freeing, and grounding at the same time!

Remember; tread lightly on yourself, on others and on the earth, because there is only ONE of each in the Universe!

What is your Valentine wish for yourself today?!