Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What's Your Creative Outlet?

Food inspires me!

Several nights a week, I find myself sifting through my fridge and pantry looking for something that can spark my imagination. I love discovering and creating new recipes letting them unfold during the process, where I can conger up some kind of dish that is full of flavor, texture, shape and color. One that can be constructed through experimentation.

When I explore with food, I don’t always follow a recipe- and that’s when the outcome or end result is like a surprise- I don’t want to always see it “done” . Comparing this to designing living and working environments, my intent is different. I visualize the space as “done”. Like Wayne Ruga says, “ask the space what it wants to be.” Then be open to the answers!

I believe that in the allowing of oneself to create with other forms of art, such as food, in unchartered ways without set boundaries, expands the creative process in all areas. (And in the allowing to falter every now and then also provides an opportunity for forgiveness!) 

I think success and purposeful living comes when one can’t see the line between working and playing!

Taking this another step further, what about “sharing food” and the exploration of cooking together with others who enjoy the process- say, a Supper Club with wine paring? It doesn’t have to be elaborate or themed out- just good friends, food, and good times. I personally haven’t participated in one yet but maybe this might be something I will try!

In the meantime, celebrate life, and embrace that which nurtures your creativity!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Wish...

What’s your Valentines wish for yourself?

Mine … “To love myself Enough to”…( Be all that I desire and Do all that I choose.)
 So here, today, I am writing myself a Valentine note.  Not something that I can say I have ever done before, because on this day, I usually send love notes and special wishes to others.  Maybe you too will consider and ask how do you love yourself, care for yourself, and honor yourself?  Can you get that personal, affectionate, and intimate with yourself?  What comes up for you?  For some, you might feel unworthy, uncomfortable or restless?   Maybe your mind is blank or your stumped and nothing comes to mind when you ask, that question:  “I love myself enough to….” On the other hand some of you may have a great long list already!
I am being bold here and authentic to share my little “love blog” without knowing what others will think when I post this… yep, its kind of scary for me, as this is my Valentine to myself and I want to share with my fellow bloggers in hopes that it might encourage you to find some divine self-connection and Love for yourself, by allowing yourself to open up to your own soul and heart (Doesn’t mean you have to post it back if you don’t want to share- that’s not my intent, although, if you so care to be bold and share your personal self-love note, by all means go ahead. You can even post a simple one line statement if you desire so that we can all “share the love” with you!)

So, here is mine wish:

“I love myself enough”… - to accept that I am worthy of all my dreams, and desires that I long for.  They have been patiently waiting for my arrival.  The time has come. To accept that I am enough, always, and that it’s ok that I can’t please everyone.  To allow myself to fail and to accept and see the gift in these situations to learn from as part of my journey.  I love myself enough to know, approve of, and accept my God given gifts– and especially those abilities that may not be readily obvious to others for lack of my willingness to share them or due to insecurities of how I would appear to others.  To accept and step into my own unique power in manifesting all that I choose.  I love myself enough to experience and be an integral part of the most loving, supportive, exciting, connected partnership with the man of my dreams- because it is a reality.  I love myself enough to release all the past undesirable and hurtful situations in my past that have held me victimized, for I know that they are just circumstances and not of my highest self.  To let go of the word “try” because trying is just commitment half way. I am putting out the absolute best of myself and ok with that being enough.  To notice and choose differently when my “ya - but habit” shows up.  I love myself enough to laugh at my mistakes, to cry when I need to release, and be honest and authentic with myself and others during those times.  To be ok with not checking everything off my daily to do list, believing that if I don’t I am not enough.  I love myself enough to hold that knowingness, that really, there is always enough time for everything, and there is no lack – to receive that never-ending abundance of all things.  I love myself enough to accept change - even big change and step forward even in fear.

I love myself (and you) enough to share these words, in all their glory, in hopes that they will enlighten your own greatness and love for yourself.  It’s exhilarating and freeing, and grounding at the same time!

Remember; tread lightly on yourself, on others and on the earth, because there is only ONE of each in the Universe!

What is your Valentine wish for yourself today?!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Handmade Succulent Arrangements for Idaho Conservation League's Event on the River

I joined the Idaho Conservation League and offered to create arrangements for their Event on the River that was held on September 11th, 2010.

I was inspired to work with as many natural ‘found objects’ as I could to create sustainable arrangements that could be taken home by attendees and that could be enjoyed for an extended period of time. So on my trips up to the mountains this late summer, I collected boxes of old tree limbs, stumps, and rocks. And the more gnarly and mossy they were the more character they would lend to the end result. Each creation is unique and lends a different feeling and style all its own, as it is in nature. You are not going to find any element that is the same, just like people--we are, after all, beautiful creations in ourselves and each of us offer very unique and powerful energy.

How to Create Your Own Organic Succulent Arrangement

1. Start by collecting a wide variety of gnarly wood, limbs, branches rocks, etc. Look for those with moss or unique elements that can add interest and uniqueness. Varying lengths and widths, thicknesses come in handy.

2. Lay them out on a collection table to sift through and pick from--a little helper is always nice!

3. Decide where you want to display this so that you can select the right sizes and how long or large you want it to be. Start by taking a few different types of branches, shapes, some mossy some not. It is best to have the largest one on the base and add other pieces to it. You will find that they naturally start working together, some curve of one holds the curve of another and begins to take a shape all its own. The important thing to remember is not to over analyze! It’s a puzzle but let it evolve- no over-thinking this allowed!

4. Also – look to create areas that naturally create ‘space’ or crevices for dirt to be filled to hold your succulents or herbs. Hot glue your pieces of wood together in numerous locations and make sure its sturdy and secure. Sometimes a little rustic wire is a nice element to do this and adds to the design as well. Below I am holding a little piece of wood to create more of a crevice.

5. In the first photo below I have put some pieces together and you can see some areas with dirt added into the crevices. You might even get lucky to find a piece of wood that has a hole in it already like this what's shown in the second photo below. Fill them up with dirt also. It doesn’t take much dirt or space for the succulents to grow, but give it as much as possible to expand.

Below shows most of the spaces with dirt ready for plants.
6. Take the succulent plants apart and put together a combination of colored plants, shapes, and sizes to give most interest. Put them into the dirt with the roots imbedded as deep as possible and pack the dirt around the plant. Sometimes your dirt will be all over the wood..just blow it away – but don’t worry about it yet. It will naturally dry and can be cleaned up pretty nicely.

The photo below shows the arrangement filled with plants and dirt.

7. If there are areas where you hot glued the wood together, and it is showing, just take some moss and hot glue that over it to hide the spot making it look very natural looking.

8. Take a water spray bottle and spritz the plants and get the dirt /potting soil wet. Press the base of the plant into the soil as compact as you can…add more soil into the area to make sure root system is secured. Again, moss is a very helpful agent- hot glue some moss on to the wood to hole the dirt in place if needed.

9. You may choose to add more rustic elements like little rocks, spiky twigs with or without leaves, and rustic wire is also helpful to hold the piece together better if needed.

Here is a photo gallery of some of the 12 pieces I made for the ICL event! Enjoy!

 I used a combination of various succulents—Aeonium echeveria, Stonecrop, Trailing Ice, and Chicks and Hens.2010-09-11_17-18-37_779 

 Add gnarly pieces of wood and different mosses for contrast. 2010-09-11_17-15-22_429

I really liked the use of the spiky twigs and dead limb branches to give more character and abstract nature to this piece. 2010-09-11_17-14-59_343

Sometimes you can find one whole piece of wood and add to it. 2010-09-11_17-16-47_533

And many times less is more and you can create a flower vase out of one piece of wood too! Here I just drilled out holes in the log, about ½” thick, and 1” or so deep. Dropped a little hot glue in the base of each hole to hold water. Then added moss around the hole to secure a flower stem. You can use this for any kind of flower and change it out. This is truly rustic elegance with orchids! 2010-09-11_17-16-34_163

You can also find rocks with holes in them already that can hold water on their own and make your own natural vase.

And one last fun little design that I just had to create. The RIGHT way to build this Cairn is to actually get them to stand up on their own through a thoughtful meditative process ..but since they had to get transported, I built it, and then just hot glued them together. But try to hide the glue so it doesn’t show! Tricky! The inscription says, “Show your Cairn for the environment”…ICL Event on the River 2010 (ha ha..pretty cute huh!?).2010-09-11_17-15-50_539

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

365 days of not buying new items

Each year I set my 'intentions' and various things I would like to experience or accomplish during that year.

For this 2009 year, I claimed it, "Refine '09". With this intention, I set off writing my list of what would mean to me and consist of. On this list I cleaned out every room in my house and a big chunk in my personal office. I gave away so much stuff that I just didn’t need or didn’t serve a purpose in my life, but knew it could for someone else. Among many other 'refining' goals, was to focus on my sustainable efforts. One of which was my agreement NOT to spend money on anything NEW for myself (not including food or basic vanity necessities).

Well, I made it through!

I know that retailers may not like this very much but it wasn’t that ALL retailers missed out either.

I got in the habit of asking myself these key questions anytime I had the desire to buy something that I thought I really wanted:

  • Is this item really important that it will change my life or someone else’s in a significant way?
  • Will it make a positive impact toward my goals, commitments or my agreements?
  • Will this have a long term positive effect on my life or others?
  • What could I make as an alternative that is more sustainable?
I realized that my experience has been surprisingly rewarding! Here are the positive outcomes that occurred so far:
  • I saved a lot of money – by getting by with something I already had, or could make to substitute for that item.
  • I have been able to contribute more to other charities with the money I saved and with items that didn’t serve me anymore.
  • I built great contacts and a network of sources as I sought out reused items from resale shops, antique stores, consignment stores.
  • I followed through on a commitment to myself and the environment.
  • I had fun with the experience and it was almost like a treasure hunt.
  • Saved money for several clients and created very fun, eclectic spaces for them by going more green and buying from consignment and antique stores.
  • My living environments are more simplified
  • It’s made for a pretty creative Christmas! There are so many 'green' ideas to share!
  • Saved a lot of carbon emissions for the environment.
  • Realized how much I would have spent on unimportant things that have been acquired but didn’t have a real important impact on my life or happiness in the long run.
  • Saved a huge amount of waste that could have ended up in the landfill.
  • I learned to think out of the box even more and notice things I already have and got pretty creative.
  • I harvested my lavender from 2 huge bushes I have and gave as gifts
  • Made compost for my plants out of bad hay and horse manure from my horses
So, now that I have already created this new habit and will continue to carry it forward with a new perspective for the year 2010 - Any guess what I have claimed this year?! Look for my next blog!

Monday, January 18, 2010

3. Happiness is a Choice

So I realize that I haven’t been very quick at posting my four 'new' agreements here on my blog – but hey I have to celebrate that I am even doing this so thank you for bearing with me! With that said, this brings me to a third agreement that I have added to my list and I would like to share with you:

"Happiness is a choice"

I have discovered that feelings of happiness are really the response to an initial thought that comes into your mind at any given time that determines ones level of happiness. There are pessimists and optimists - both are choices that result in your attitude and happiness outcome.

Ask yourself:

• Is your glass ½ full or ½ empty?
• How do you react when something doesn’t go your way or as you were hoping?
• When you’re stressed out, how do you react to others or yourself?
• How does life present itself to you when you have either attitude?

Test it out sometime. When these situations occur, notice how you respond, negatively or positively. Then notice the happiness level in the outcome. What works better for you? Meaning, what makes you feel good (not rebellious but at ease, peaceful)?

Here’s another angle to consider:

We all have set goals in our lives and having a positive or happy attitude about them draws a more positive outcome naturally in obtaining them. It also makes the process much more interesting and enjoyable! This saying has a great meaning:

“Happiness comes from moving toward
one’s goals or passions, and it’s not in
the actual getting it

WHAT?! It took me a little bit to get this intriguing statement. Many times we want what we don’t have but when we finally get it, we feel almost saddened or disappointed. Happiness IS the journey, not the destination or completion. I am not saying to ignore the celebration or to not embrace the successful completion or landmark, but having the understanding that happiness and fullness is also by human nature in the continuation of our desires. So what I’m working on is the idea that when I achieve a goal or reach that destination – I make sure I decide what I want next. That way I am always propelled to move forward and looking to that next step of my dreams.

So once one goal, dream, desire is accomplished:

1. Create another journey.
2. Open up your mind to possibilities that excite you and work toward those happy feeling ones that move you!
3. Don’t forget to reflect and celebrate each step.

It’s in the HOW we experience problems that is more important than THE specific problems we experience. So I guess being a better problem solver would be a good goal!

Here is another healthy activity that can enhance your mood and emotional well being. Because of my love for yoga, I want to share some poses/asanas that help you to connect with happiness. So, set your intention and connect with that joy within you. Don’t stop being divine if you had a bad day. Get on your mat or floor and open your heart to bring more happiness in to your world!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

May We All Be Coffee!

Since my last post about my Third Agreement on "happiness is a choice", I think this might be of interest and definitely related. With so many various circumstances that pop up in our lives - whether self-inflicted or not - it's all in how we react and handle the situation that determines our personal outcome. Remembering that we are NOT our circumstances - these are just external effects that happen in our lives. We need to remain aware of these situations and decide to shift out of that place and hold ourselves accountable and worthy of a better place - and better yet, learn from it. It's easier to move on and not remain in a negative attitude. Here is a little story that I would like to pass on that helps to shine a brighter light on handling adversity. (Author unknown)

Let's all be Coffee!

A carrot, an egg and a cup of coffee... (You will never look at a cup of coffee the same again.)

A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up; she was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved, a new one arose.

Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Soon the pots came to boil. In the first she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she placed ground coffee beans. She let them sit and boil; without saying a word.

In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl. Turning to her daughter, she asked, ‘Tell me what you see.’

‘Carrots, eggs, and coffee,’ she replied.

Her mother brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft. The mother then asked the daughter to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell she observed the hard boiled egg.

Finally, the mother asked the daughter to sip the coffee. The daughter smiled as she tasted its rich aroma. The daughter then asked, “What does it mean, mother?”

Her mother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity: boiling water. Each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak. The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior, but after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened. The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water.

“Which are you?” she asked her daughter. “When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?”

Think of this: Which am I? Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength?

Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat? Did I have a fluid spirit, but after a death, a breakup, a financial hardship or some other trial, have I become hardened and stiff? Does my shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and hardened heart?

Or am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor. If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you.

When the hour is the darkest and trials are their greatest do you elevate yourself to another level?
How do you handle adversity?
Are you a carrot, and egg or a coffee bean?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Re-focus and get back in line...

I have decided recently to join 20 others in a sustainable building advisor class that is new to Boise.  I'm pretty excited but at the same time a bit overwhelmed.  It’s one thing for me to want to keep learning and growing, and to take opportunities that present themselves and answer to ones passion and purpose in life.  On the other hand, it’s finding that balance to fit it all in.  One thing I have learned and fully believe in is:

If you’re not learning and adding to life experiences, you are regressing and growing stagnant. 

Some people feel just fine exactly as they are, doing the same thing day in and day out – “All is fine and consistent.”  I know that for me personally, when I am looking to attract people that can get me out of my comfort zone and toward my passions, life is more full and rewarding.  I have also found that no matter what I’m doing, there always seems to be the right amount of time to somehow accomplish it and fit it all in.  When you’re doing what you want to do by choice, it all seems to find it’s time.  I wonder if anyone else feels this way or sees a shift in their day.  When I’m not doing things that are ‘on purpose’ or in line with my best use of time, I feel this strong nudge or thought that is uncomfortable or out of balance.   This reminds me to re-focus and get back in line so that I am being and acting on purpose.  When will I finally get that all figured out!?  I just don’t like that frustrating feeling!  Who else understands this??