Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Re-focus and get back in line...

I have decided recently to join 20 others in a sustainable building advisor class that is new to Boise.  I'm pretty excited but at the same time a bit overwhelmed.  It’s one thing for me to want to keep learning and growing, and to take opportunities that present themselves and answer to ones passion and purpose in life.  On the other hand, it’s finding that balance to fit it all in.  One thing I have learned and fully believe in is:

If you’re not learning and adding to life experiences, you are regressing and growing stagnant. 

Some people feel just fine exactly as they are, doing the same thing day in and day out – “All is fine and consistent.”  I know that for me personally, when I am looking to attract people that can get me out of my comfort zone and toward my passions, life is more full and rewarding.  I have also found that no matter what I’m doing, there always seems to be the right amount of time to somehow accomplish it and fit it all in.  When you’re doing what you want to do by choice, it all seems to find it’s time.  I wonder if anyone else feels this way or sees a shift in their day.  When I’m not doing things that are ‘on purpose’ or in line with my best use of time, I feel this strong nudge or thought that is uncomfortable or out of balance.   This reminds me to re-focus and get back in line so that I am being and acting on purpose.  When will I finally get that all figured out!?  I just don’t like that frustrating feeling!  Who else understands this??