Thursday, August 27, 2009

Is Your PMA In Check?

Have you checked your PMA (or Positive Mental Attitude) today? Do you carry it with you throughout the day?

When one feels positive, our whole world, our perspectives, and all possibilities open up! Solutions become easier and opportunites surprise us - stress levels reduce...

Being positive, or CHOOSING to carry a PMA allows for less space in the brain for negative thoughts.

It takes 20 seconds to register something positive - so do something to help ground that thought. Give more compliments, think about that positive idea or thought for a little longer, let it hang out, soak in, and enjoy it!

So, think less negatives, feel more positives, and carry your PMA with you! Oh, and you might want to check it out a little more often... Some people might even have to ‘schedule’ a check in time! Ha!

We all need reminders -

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Four Agreements

I read the book, The Four Agreements by Don Ruiz several years ago, which has really resonated with me. After reading it (and highlighting more pages than a first year college student), I had claimed these agreements for myself and swore to live by them daily. Well, I can say I do my best but still stub my toes on occasion! For those of you who havent experienced the gift of reading this book or for those who forgot, The Four Agreements are:

  1. "Be impeccable with your word"
  2. "Don't take anything personally"
  3. "Don't make assumptions"
  4. "Always do your best"
As time has passed and as I gain more wisdom, I find that I have added four more Agreements or guidelines to this list. Here they are:
  • "Live Authentically”
  • “Focus on the Positives”
  • “Choose Happiness”
  • “Walk the Talk”
I think I will post a little ‘ditty’ about EACH of these four new agreements in detail. With this being only the introduction - keep checking back for the First of Four coming soon!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Kites fly higher...

Someone once said, “Kites fly higher when they meet with resistance of the wind.” But isn’t it interesting that they ‘travel’ even farther when they go ‘with the wind flow...!” Hum, interesting!

I think if we keep this in mind as we go through our day and go with the flow, our experiences will be more fun, exciting, enlightening and not so burdensome, or a struggle. When we are met with resistance or if things show up that might not go the way we want or expect, let it slide off of you like an egg on Teflon, or water on a ducks back. Maybe experiencing this flight, we could allow ourselves the gift of seeing things in a more positive light. So today, move with the groove, and be a Flag or a Kite!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Treadin' Lightly...

on Yourself, on Others, and on the Earth.

After a long time waiting, a lot of encouragement from my fellow bloggers and close aquaintances, and I suppose a self struggle to get out of my own way, I decided to start a personal blog! I selected this blog header because it is a great description of my journey and where I am going in my life.

With this outlet I will share with you my personal journey in life through brainstorming, visions, inspirational thoughts, encouragement, and just stuff!

So here’s a thought that I am choosing to live with today, and thought I would share!

When you live for today, a prized future opens before you. Did you know that only 4% of worries actually come true? Far more rewarding than you can ever imagine…is simply to live for today and not regret what you did or didn’t do yesterday- that’s just a waste of time and energy. So live in the present moment Wisely and Earnestly! It is a secret to health in mind and soul.